Out with the old year and in with the new.
Last year started in an unexpected way. Shortly after the New Year, a friend knocked on my door and said, "I want to write a book." Well, she did it, and so did I when I became her co-author. Our book is selling well. It is strange however for me to know that something I have written is registered at the Library of Congress and that my name can be found in a search on Amazon.
The subject of the book is what has become my life's work - the history of our village.
Speaking of the history of our village, the year ended with the sale of the oldest family-owned business in the state and a business that began repairing wagons and moved into fixing cars in the 1920s. The business, and the family that ran it for more than 160 years, is so interwoven with the history of our village. Wonder what will happen to the building now? The first shop is seen on the book cover.
History is something that happened a long time ago according to most people. Yet, history happens every day - we just don't realize we are living history. After all, today is tomorrow's history.
What will the New Year bring? I can't even begin to imagine what is in store for us in 2009. Life is good!
Now, if I could get my office cleaned up then life would be really good!