Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Dollhouse

Many years ago two little girls were thrilled to get a huge dollhouse for Christmas. Made by hand, the structure was already about 20 years old when we got it. With a beautiful wraparound front porch attached to the front facade. Both the front and back facades were removable. The rooms were papered with wallpaper from our house. The bedroom had the same wallpaper we had in our room.

Our kitty loved the dollhouse too. She used to sleep on the staircase.

Then, our daughter Patti played with the dollhouse. We gave it to her for her third birthday after I tracked it down and bought from an antique dealer.

At Christmas I asked Lauren, our three-year-old granddaughter, if she wanted to help me paint the dollhouse. She's been so excited about painting and getting the dollhouse ready to play.

The first time she came we talked about colors and then we went online so she could choose furniture and a family to live in the dollhouse. On a visit to Wal-Mart she insisted that she and her mom go to the tool department to buy paint brushes so she and Mimi could paint.

Finally, last week Lauren came to paint the house. She had so much fun.

Wish there were photos of Susan and me playing with the dollhouse. Have to look through the albums to see if there are pictures of Patti playing with it. As least there is a video showing Lauren painting it.