Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Rob

Today, my baby boy turns 46. Wow, how did that happen – in many ways, it seems like yesterday. It was a cold and snowy just like it is today when we went to the hospital in the middle of the night. Rob made his entrance into the world the next afternoon at 3:15 pm.

Among our first visitors was a friend and her new baby boy. We were both very young, and I remember my mother and her mother-in-law saying something about watching babies with their babies. Our friends' son was given up for adoption a few months later when their marriage ended. He has recently located his father, and the search is on to find his mother. I've thought about that visit a lot since the little boy I met so many years ago contacted me. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without watching my child grow up. Yet, I know the joy that adoption brings to a family. We have experienced that joy with a wonderful niece and recently a great-niece who also joined our family through adoption.

Unlike our friends, Mike and I don't fit the stereotype of young marriages not lasting. That we were very young parents is really evident in these pictures taken when Rob was three months old. He was a good baby and a bright, sensitive, and easy child to raise. He is now a 6'5" fire-fighter with a family of his own.

I must say that after all these years, one of the best parts of watching your child grow into a productive adult is seeing them parent their own children.

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