Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Among my favorite things.

The snow began melting by Sunday afternoon. When it fully disappeared from the grass a welcome surprise was waiting. A surprise that still has the power to take my breath away when I first see it - green grass after a long and cold winter.

Next, sneaking in on silent breezes will be one of my favorite sights. Oh how I wish I had the talent to record its beauty on canvas. Photos just do not do it justice. Words do not do it justice. Yet, it is simple thing that most people never see.

Keep your eyes open folks and you may be surprised at the incredible beauty that unexpectedly appears from out of nowhere. It will sneak up on you soon - so, be on the lookout. You will be amazed at the shades of color you'll see. More than you can count and they change as the light bounces off of them. They are fleeting so watch carefully and you may see one of my favorite things - the many shades of green in an Illinois spring.

Tonight we were blessed with a strong thundershower and sunset that turned the sky an amazing blend of pink, gold and orange and filled it with rainbows - single and double rainbows all around the house. Then poof, they were gone.

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