Today was a great day! Two very important things happened.
The flags for our Field of Honor are in Chicago and will soon be safely housed in Northbrook until we need them in a couple of days. The Field of Honor has taken up most of my time the past few months. I am really excited about this event. 1,901 American flags flying in the Village Green over memorial day in honor of our Village's 110th birthday and personal heroes. I spent most of day working on the dedications people are sending in - of course our town's 43 fallen heroes will be honored. There will be music in the gazebo two days and sunset services every night. Quite a sight to behold - it will be a great community event.
Most important, my Jamie is home after a month outside. When he disappeared we were devastated. Even used thermo-imaging cameras and a camera that fit into a pipe to reach deep into spaces between the rafters and the drywall in the basement ceiling. No cat anywhere. Since he is such a scardy cat we just couldn't believe he'd gotten outside.
Now we know that is what happened, but how it happened we may never know. What a month to be outside - snow and 20 day of rain in April. He never went far. Just under the deck next door. Mike caught a glimpse of him today while cutting the lawn. From there it took a bit to get him back out from under the deck but once he came out to eat the tuna it was easy to pick him up and get him in the carrier to come home. Wasn't sure how he'd react after a month outside but as soon as I let him out he was purring.
He is just skin and bones - a mere shadow of his former self but he hasn't changed in personality. He appears to be okay but will have a visit to the vet tomorrow to be checked out. One thing I know is that he doesn't want to leave my side - except to go in and get some more food.
The sun was shining on us today in more than one way.
I still want the merry-go-round to stop so I can climb some trees. However, it is almost time for the Historical Society Annual Meeting and then it is time for the Field of Honor. Next comes June and two events and the art show in July and then I can write and climb trees to my heart's content. I can hardly wait.
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